Dedicated to Jesus

by Chong Shipei  
4/05/2023 / Family


Susan wept. She had tried days to get a baby, but it was to no avail. Every night, she went to bed, with an attempt to get pregnant. Every day, she was disappointed by the fact that pregnancy did not come in spite of her trying hard for it.

Susan thought about Jesus, and thought that where human efforts might fail, perhaps the Lord will succeed. Therefore she prayed, “Jesus, if you give me a child of my own, I will dedicate him or her in service to you and teach him or her about your ways.”

Jesus heard her, and next year, she gave birth to a son, whom she named Tom. When Tom was born, though, Susan was so busy taking care of him and ensuring that his physical needs were met, that she forgot about her promise to God. She failed to dedicate the child to God. She did not teach him about Jesus nor did she tell bible stories to him when it was bedtime. She did not pray for him to grow up right in the Lord. And on his 13th birthday, as per his request, she bought him a deck of tarot cards even though divination was a sin in the bible.

The child grew in his love for the occult and progressed from playing with tarot cards to accepting Satan into his life as his lord and father. He bought a Satanic bible for himself, much to the distress of Susan. Because Satan hated Jesus, Tom hated Jesus as well. Since his mother was a Christian who worshipped Jesus, he hated her as well. He placed a curse in her life and was very rude to her. He even told her how he hated her and did not want her as a mother.

Due to the trouble with her son, Susan began to pour out her woes to Jesus.

“Oh Jesus, I rather you never brought Tom into my life! Why did you give him to me when he would grow up to be so rebellious!” Jesus quietly listened to her complaints though the folks lied with her.

On his 23rd birthday, Tom was sentenced to the death row for the multiple murders of Christian children. He did it as a devotion to his father Satan. Susan was deeply grieved. As a result of Tom’s rebellion, she had grown close to Jesus and Jesus reminded her that long ago, she promised to dedicate her son to Him and still could do so, if she would. Even though she had not kept her side of the bargain while the Lord had kept His, the Lord was kind and patient with her and told her to pray for her son’s salvation.

Susan repented of her sins. She began to fall on her knees and prayed for the salvation of Tom. She dedicated her son Tom to Jesus and asked Him to use him in heaven even while he could not use him on earth. The Lord graciously answered her prayers. Tom met a pastor during his time in jail and just before he was given the electric chair, he received Jesus as his savior and wrote to his mother to forgive him for the unfilial son that he was. Susan was overjoyed. She might have lose his son on earth, but she gained a son in eternity. And that is because she remember her promise to dedicate her son to Jesus.

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